Pamplona! – The Running of the Bulls (Full Instrumentation)

Nestled in the mountains of Spain is a town that has become world famous for its once-a-year pitting of careening bulls and sprinting commoners in its streets. Pamplona! The Running of the Bulls takes us to this town during the festivity that has made it famous, as people from all walks of life travel there and hope they travel home in one piece, with no “souvenirs” in the form of nasty bullhorn wounds.This well-known July festival, made famous by Ernest Hemingway in “The Sun Also Rises,” is so much more than just bulls and people running through the streets. There is a full week of fireworks, folklore events, singing, religious festivities and celebrations. But it’s the encierro, the running of the bulls that culminates the festival and is the climax of this show.